Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For class aa streams, the geometric mean

Why is this important? Fecal bacteria E. coli are microscopic organisms that live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals

. Living well in the waste or feces, is derived from >> << tract. When fecal bacteria koliformnyh present in large quantities in water sample >> << This means that water has received fecal matter from a particular source. Although not necessarily agents of disease, fecal bacteria koliformnyh may indicate the presence of

disease carrying organisms that live in the same conditions, fecal

bacteria E. coli. Unlike other traditional water quality parameters, fecal bacteria are koliformnyh

organisms life. They are not simply mixed with water and float straight downstream. Instead, they reproduce more quickly when they created favorable conditions for growth, or die in large numbers >> << when conditions are not. Since the bacterial concentration depends on

specific conditions for growth, and these conditions are rapidly changing, faecal intestinal

number of bacteria is not easily predicted. For example, despite the rain in winter, can wash more >> << faeces from urban areas in the stream, cool water temperatures can lead to large >> << dieoff. The influence of sunlight (ultraviolet properties of its disinfection) can be >> << the same effect, even in warm water in summer. The main sources of fecal bacteria Escherichia coli in fresh water sewage treatment plant discharges

, failing septic systems and animal waste. Bacteria levels do not necessarily decrease

watershed develops from rural to urban. Instead, urbanization

usually creates new sources of bacteria. Livestock manure and septic system

replace pets and leaking sanitary sewer. In fact, the storm drains in urban areas

revealed surprisingly high in fecal bacteria concentration koliformnyh. Availability

old strattera cost, damaged storm and sanitary sewer, irrelevant

sewer pipes, and good conditions for breeding common explanation for the high-level

measure. Fecal concentration of intestinal reported in units of bacterial colonies on

100 ml water sample (# / 100 ml). In Washington state standards for fecal bacteria Escherichia

vary depending on the stream classification. For Class AA streams, the geometric mean of

does not exceed the value of 50 organisms per 100 ml and less than 10 percent of samples

be more than 100/100 ml and less than 10 percent may be more

200/100 ml and less than 10 percent of samples may be greater than 400/100 ml. The following table compares the values ​​of the three streams of western Washington. The following section provides information about. .

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